Op-Ed: Supporting Ohio Manufacturers And American Jobs With President Trump


President Trump’s actions show that meaningful workforce development in Ohio and across America is possible, even during the midst of our current economic crisis due to COVID-19. Despite the challenges Ohioans and Americans are facing in this time, President Trump’s continued support of American jobs is producing great results.

Thursday, President Trump will visit a Whirlpool Corporation manufacturing plant in Clyde, Ohio. This will be the President’s sixteenth trip to Ohio, and the President will discuss his Administration’s successful efforts to revive and support our nation’s resurgent manufacturing industry.

Here in Ohio, we are very proud of all of our businesses, including our manufacturers. The Whirlpool facility in Clyde employs over 3,000 individuals, and has around 10,000 employees across Ohio. The Clyde Whirlpool facility is also the largest washer manufacturing plant in the world.

In 2018, President Trump decided to provide targeted relief to U.S. manufacturers negatively affected by surging imports of washing machines and solar products. This particular move allowed Whirlpool to hire 200 additional full-time workers at the Clyde location, and Whirlpool applauded the Administration’s efforts as “a victory for American workers and consumers alike.”

As President Trump renews our focus on American-made products, we know the huge benefit that Ohio manufacturing companies provide to our communities. At the state level, I look forward to continuing to push legislation that supports American workers and creates jobs right here in our great state of Ohio.

Welcome to Ohio, President Trump. We are thrilled to have you here moving forward on workforce development during this crucial time.

State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) is currently serving her first term as a state representative. She represents the 80th Ohio House District, which encompasses Miami County and a portion of Darke County. Powell serves as Vice Chair to the Economic and Workforce Development and has introduced legislation regarding license reciprocity, apprenticeship programs, crowdfunding and other workforce bills. 

*original Op-Ed released here: http://www.ohiohouse.gov/jena-powell/press/op-ed-supporting-ohio-manufacturers-and-american-jobs-with-president-trump

Powell asks women to share athletic accomplishments

ARCANUM – State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) is encouraging women in her district to share their athletic achievements in wake of renewing calls for the passage of House Bill 527, also known as the Save Women’s Sports Act. The bill aims to promote fairness among athletics and preserve the integrity of school sports.

The legislation ensures that biological women are not forced to compete against biological men playing on female only sports teams. The bill would designate male and female sports teams be based upon the biological sex of an individual, meaning that biological males cannot play on female teams.

“The Save Women’s Sports Act is a fairness issue for women,” said Powell. “This bill ensures that every little girl who works hard to make it on a podium is not robbed of her chance by a biological male competing against her in a biological female sport. We want every little girl to achieve her athletic dream here in the state of Ohio.”

The bill, which is currently pending in the House Primary and Secondary Education Committee, also includes a number of provisions that provide protections for students, schools and colleges, as well as a dispute resolution process.

Full Video on SWS Act can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQMy46EGB54

If you would like to share your athletic story, please contact Powell’s office at 614-466-8114 or Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.

Powell Announces Facebook Live Event

Powell Announces Facebook Live Event

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) today announced she will be hosting a Facebook Live event next week with special guests Matt Sharp and Aaron Baer to discuss the recent Supreme Court decisions and their impact on local communities.

“It’s important my constituents understand the full impact of the recent Supreme Court decisions and how they may influence our community,” said Powell.

Sharp is currently a lawyer with Alliance Defending Freedom, a nonprofit organization that advocates for religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, freedom of speech, and marriage and family.

Baer is currently the President of Citizens for Community Values, a nonprofit research and education organization that advocates for pro-family public policies.

Powell noted that House Bill 527, the Same Women’s Sports Act, will also be discussed.

“I look forward to having a thoughtful discussion with these knowledgeable guests,” added Powell.

The Facebook Live event is July 1st, 2020 at 11:00am. If you have any questions about the event or how to access the Facebook page, please email Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.

Ohio House Passes Bill Raising Awareness for Elder Abuse

For Immediate Release:

June 11, 2020 

Ohio House Passes Bill Raising Awareness for Elder Abuse

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) yesterday announced the House passage of legislation creating the “Stop Elder Abuse” license plate. The bill allows motorists to voluntarily purchase Stop Elder Abuse license plates through the Ohio Registrar’s office.

“As individuals, we have a moral and social responsibility to stand up for the most vulnerable among us,” said Powell.  “The ‘Stop Elder Abuse’ license plate will help create awareness in our communities and serve as a tangible way people can stand up against the indignity of elder abuse.”

According to the Ohio Department of Aging, there are approximately 16,000 reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation made each year in Ohio. However, the National Institutes of Health estimate that only one in 14 cases of abuse are reported to authorities.

Senate Bill 163, which creates the “ALS Awareness” license plate, was amended in House Transportation and Public Safety Committee to include other license plates for a variety of causes.

The measure now goes to the Senate for consideration.


NOTE: a video of Powell’s floor speech can be accessed here: https://ohiolis.sharefile.com/d-sff6f0a2f0a74c28a

State Representative Jena Powell is currently serving her first term as a state representative. She represents the 80th Ohio House District, which encompasses Miami County and a portion of Darke County.

 For more information, contact Rep Powell’s office at 614-466-8114 or Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.

Powell Introduces Legislation Honoring MCEI Kimra Skelton

For Immediate Release:

May 26, 2020

Powell Introduces Legislation Honoring MCEI Kimra Skelton

COLUMBUS – State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) today introduced House Bill 677, legislation that designates a portion of I-75 in Miami County as the “Ohio State Highway Patrol MCEI Kimra Skelton Memorial Highway.”

On November 27, 2019, Motor Carrier Enforcement Inspector (MCEI) Kimra J. Skelton was working on duty during a traffic crash in Troy. She was parked in a crossover where she was struck and killed by a vehicle.

“This legislation seeks to recognize the bravery and sacrifice of MCEI Skelton,” said Powell. “Designating a road in her honor will ensure her legacy continues to live on in our community.”

MCEI Skelton joined the Ohio State Highway Patrol in 2005 as a traveling dispatcher assigned to the Piqua District Headquarters. In 2011, she transferred to the Piqua Driver License Examination Station as a driver license examiner 1. In 2016, she was promoted to a motor vehicle inspector and transferred to the Piqua District Commercial Enforcement Unit. In 2017, she was promoted to a motor carrier enforcement inspector.

Skelton is survived by her husband and two children.

H.B. 677 will soon be referred to the House Rules and Reference Committee for assignment to a standing House committee for hearings.


 State Representative Jena Powell is currently serving her first term as a state representative. She represents the 80th Ohio House District, which encompasses Miami County and a portion of Darke County.

For more information, contact Rep Powell’s office at 614-466-8114 or Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.

OP-ED: Powell Announces House Passage of Oversight Bill

For Immediate Release:
May 6, 2020

OP-ED: Powell Announces House Passage of Oversight Bill

When I go to Columbus, I fight to represent my community in Miami and Southern Darke County. We want to do everything we can to protect everyone in our community, including the elderly and the immunocompromised.

Back in March, we had limited data with regard to COVID-19. Governor DeWine made a decision with the data he had at that point.

Businesses, families, and nonprofits rose to the challenge of flattening the curve.
As we’ve looked at COVID-19 and the current data, we have a growing concern and frustration.
We worked tirelessly to flatten the curve and we protected the vulnerable… now, the data from the virus has shown us that it is not as deadly or as contagious as once thought back in March.
In our communities, we are seeing:

• Suicide rates increase
• Child abuse increase
• Small businesses fall apart
• Unemployment skyrocket

This is unacceptable with the data we now have.

When our community urged Dr. Acton to open Ohio safely, Dr. Acton instead extended the Stay Safe order through the month of May.

While bureaucrats can sit in their million dollar condos in Columbus and sign the Stay at Home order, my community doesn’t have the luxury of doing that. We have to get back to work and we can do it safely.

That is why Substitute Senate Bill 1 is crucial.

We have three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial – none of which is more important than the others. Checks and balances in government are crucial as we move forward.
We have to make sure that everyone’s voice is being heard. That is what Sub. S.B. 1 does.

Today, I voted yes on Sub. S.B. 1 to allow a legislative checks and balances on Dr. Acton’s power. All orders issued by the Director of the Department of Health will cease after 14 days unless the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review votes for an extension.

In addition, Sub. S.B. 1 will reduce government regulation and cut red tape by requiring state agencies to reduce their regulatory restrictions by 30% by 2022 and by prohibiting an agency from adopting new regulatory restrictions that increase their restriction percentage of rules.
I also voted yes on S.B. 55, which included an amendment to decriminalize violations of health department orders related to the pandemic.

This is a step in the right direction to ensure your voice is being heard in Columbus.

-Jena Powell –
 State Rep. | Ohio 80 

State Representative Jena Powell is currently serving her first term as a state representative. She represents the 80th Ohio House District, which encompasses Miami County and a portion of Darke County.



Thank you for signing the \'OPEN OHIO RESPONSIBLY\' Petition


  1. Based on current data, scientific application and actual results, we believe a responsible opening of all
    businesses can, and should, begin on or before May 1st, 2020.

  2. We respect past concerns regarding not overwhelming our hospitals, health systems, front line healthcare workers and first responders as well as ensuring there is an adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment for them. In Ohio, we believe we are now past that stage of concern.

  3. We respect and greatly appreciate all the healthcare workers and first responders’ efforts during this challenging time as well as all the businesses/organizations that have continued to operate through the Shelter in Place Executive Order.

  4. We believe the COVID-19 virus is a real threat and especially problematic for the more vulnerable, the elderly and immuno-compromised people. We should continue our measures to protect this population as well as those who are infected with COVID-19.

  5. We believe an overwhelming number of Ohioans are responsible citizens and care for each other.

  6. We believe all businesses in Ohio are essential.

  7. We respect individuals, business owners and employees’ rights to choose how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

  8. Many businesses have already modified their operating protocols to safely function in this current
    environment. Businesses/organizations recognize if they do not make it safe for their employees and customers, they will not come back.

  9. We respect the right for businesses to not open until they are prepared to do so safely.

  10. Many people will choose to continue to shelter in place. We respect their choices and right to make those decisions.

  11. We believe there are, and will continue to be, major secondary affects from COVID-19 policy

  12. We believe it is time to trust Ohioans. They have respectfully followed the guidelines and NOW is the time to responsibly open all businesses.

Open Ohio Responsibly Framework – A Data Driven, Applied Science Approach for Opening Ohio for ALL Ohioans

All businesses/organizations are strongly recommended to follow the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) guidelines and are advised to follow appropriate social distancing and
other COVID-19 related precautionary guidelines. Local authorities are advised to assist
in managing clarity regarding uncertainty. See below for link to CDC guidelines.
Open Ohio Responsibly Framework – A Data Driven, Applied Science Approach for Opening Ohio for ALL Ohioans


  1. The Governor will assign Strategic Guidelines for Implementation to local governing bodies including
    County Commissioners and County Health Boards.
  2. Best practices emerging in the state can be monitored and shared via the Governor’s task force.
  3. Intent is to provide Ohioans more personal control over their local epidemic prevention actions. This

a. Increase public involvement in community epidemic preventative actions.
b. Generate personal initiative and ownership in generating effective prevention.
c. Create a sense of hope and proactive behavior in our communities.


  1. If anyone falls within the “more susceptible” profile they are STRONGLY encouraged to stay at

  2. Anyone with a fever can be refused entry and should be advised to seek medical advice immediately.

  3. Social distancing should be practiced.

  4. All businesses/organizations are encouraged to implement on-going sanitization and cleansing.
    Businesses/organizations are advised to work with local authorities if guidance is needed.

  5. If you feel sick stay home. If your children are sick, keep them at home.

  6. If you are an older person or have a serious underlying health condition, stay home and stay away
    from other people.

  7. If someone in your household has tested positive keep the entire household at home.

  8. Work or study from home whenever possible.

  9. Always practice good hygiene – wash your hands, avoid touching your face, sneeze or cough into a
    tissue or the inside of your elbow.

Open Ohio Responsibly Framework – A Data Driven, Applied Science Approach for Opening Ohio for ALL Ohioans

%%your signature%%

Share this with your friends:




1. Based on current data, scientific application and actual results, we believe a responsible opening of all
businesses can, and should, begin on or before May 1st, 2020.

2. We respect past concerns regarding not overwhelming our hospitals, health systems, front line healthcare workers and first responders as well as ensuring there is an adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment for them. In Ohio, we believe we are now past that stage of concern.

3. We respect and greatly appreciate all the healthcare workers and first responders’ efforts during this challenging time as well as all the businesses/organizations that have continued to operate through the Shelter in Place Executive Order.

4. We believe the COVID-19 virus is a real threat and especially problematic for the more vulnerable, the elderly and immuno-compromised people. We should continue our measures to protect this population as well as those who are infected with COVID-19.

5. We believe an overwhelming number of Ohioans are responsible citizens and care for each other.

6. We believe all businesses in Ohio are essential.

7. We respect individuals, business owners and employees’ rights to choose how to protect themselves and their loved ones.

8. Many businesses have already modified their operating protocols to safely function in this current
environment. Businesses/organizations recognize if they do not make it safe for their employees and customers, they will not come back.

9. We respect the right for businesses to not open until they are prepared to do so safely.

10. Many people will choose to continue to shelter in p lace. We respect their choices and right to make those decisions.

11. We believe there are, and will continue to be, major secondary affects from COVID-19 policy

12. We believe it is time to trust Ohioans. They have respectfully followed the guidelines and NOW is the time to responsibly open all businesses.

Open Ohio Responsibly Framework – A Data Driven, Applied Science Approach for Opening Ohio for ALL Ohioans


All businesses/organizations are strongly recommended to follow the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) guidelines and are advised to follow appropriate social distancing and
other COVID-19 related precautionary guidelines. Local authorities are advised to assist
in managing clarity regarding uncertainty. See below for link to CDC guidelines.
Open Ohio Responsibly Framework – A Data Driven, Applied Science Approach for Opening Ohio for ALL Ohioans

1. The Governor will assign Strategic Guidelines for Implementation to local governing bodies including
County Commissioners and County Health Boards.
2. Best practices emerging in the state can be monitored and shared via the Governor’s task force.
3. Intent is to provide Ohioans more personal control over their local epidemic prevention actions. This

a. Increase public involvement in community epidemic preventative actions.
b. Generate personal initiative and ownership in generating effective prevention.
c. Create a sense of hope and proactive behavior in our communities.

1. If anyone falls within the “more susceptible” profile they are STRONGLY encouraged to stay at

2. Anyone with a fever can be refused entry and should be advised to seek medical advice immediately.

3. Social distancing should be practiced.

4. All businesses/organizations are encouraged to implement on-going sanitization and cleansing.
Businesses/organizations are advised to work with local authorities if guidance is needed.

5. If you feel sick stay home. If your children are sick, keep them at home.

6. If you are an older person or have a serious underlying health condition, stay home and stay away
from other people.

7. If someone in your household has tested positive keep the entire household at home.

8. Work or study from home whenever possible.

9. Always practice good hygiene – wash your hands, avoid touching your face, sneeze or cough into a
tissue or the inside of your elbow.

Open Ohio Responsibly Framework – A Data Driven, Applied Science Approach for Opening Ohio for ALL Ohioans

Signature & Affirmation Section:
We do hereby agree to the above noted Guiding Principles, Recommended Guidelines, Concept of Operations and Other Recommended COVID-19 Related Precautionary Guidelines. I affirm my support of these urgent measures hereto. We implore Governor DeWine to incorporate this framework into the Open Ohio Plan.

Paul Zeltwanger

Ohio State Representative – District 54
Signing as State Representative Only
Not as Chairman of the Ohio House 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force
(Members noted below have confirmed their support of this Open Ohio Responsibly Framework)

Here is the list of Members that have signed on.

  1. State Representative Paul Zeltwanger—4/26/2020
  2. State Representative Tom Brinkman – 4/26/2020
  3. State Representative Nino Vitale – 4/26/2020
  4. State Representative Adam Holmes—4/26/2020
  5. State Representative Dick Stein—4/26/2020
  6. State Representative Candice Keller—4/26/2020
  7. State Representative Reggie Stoltzfus—4/26/2020
  8. State Representative Derek Merrin—4/26/2020
  9. State Representative J. Todd Smith—4/262020
  10. State Representative Kris Jordan—4/26/2020
  11. State Representative John Becker—4/26/2020
  12. State Representative Jena Powell—4/26/2020
  13. State Representative Jon Cross—4/26/2020
  14. State Representative George Lang—4/26/2020
  15. State Representative Darrel Kick—4/26/2020
  16. State Representative Don Jones—4/26/2020
  17. State Representative Riordan McClain—4/26/2020
  18. State Representative Brett Hillyer—4/26/2020
  19. State Representative Craig Riedel—4/26/2020
  20. State Representative Scott Lipps—4/26/2020
  21. State Representative Phil Plummer—4/26/2020
  22. State Representative Rick Parales—4/26/2020
  23. State Representative Scott Wiggam—4/26/2020
  24. State Representative Diane Grendell—4/27/2020
  25. State Representative Bill Reineke—4/27/2020
  26. State Representative Jason Stephens—4/27/2020
  27. State Representative Jim Hoops—4/27/2020
  28. State Representative Steve Hambley—4/27/2020

Rep. Powell Encourages Small Businesses to Provide Input to Task Force

ARCANUM – State Representative Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) is encouraging small business owners throughout her district to share their experience on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their operations as leaders seek to understand the full extent of the coronavirus on Ohio’s economy.

“As a member of the OHIO 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force, I’ve been having thoughtful conversations with business owners from across our state,” said Powell. “I encourage the hardworking people in Miami County and Darke County to provide their insight to the task force so their perspective is represented as we re-open Ohio as soon as possible.”

The OHIO 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force will review all submissions. Once reviewed, the task force is planning to invite owners throughout the state to participate in an upcoming virtual meeting to explain the impact in greater detail.

If you are a business owner, please consider emailing Rep80@ohiohouse.gov the following:

  • Name and location of the business
  • Number of employees
  • Years in business
  • Contact information for business owners (email, phone number)
  • Brief description of nature of the business

Additionally, businesses can submit written responses to the task force. If submitting or speaking before the task force, the panel asks businesses focus on the following points:

  • If/how they are able to operate during the coronavirus.
  • What kind of financial strains have been brought on by this? If they have been in business for many years, how has this been compared to other financial downturns?
  • What kinds of obstacles do they see ahead of them once they are able to fully open up again?
  • Any governmental roadblocks ahead that the legislature should be aware of?
  • Any ideas that they might have on protocols they believe would be helpful to return to work while maintaining a level of safety to provide confidence to their customers?

The OHIO 2020 Economic Recovery Task Force will be meeting today at 12:30pm. The meeting can be streamed live on The Ohio Channel website. In addition, Rep. Powell encourages her constituents to follow @OHTaskForce2020 on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

State Representative Jena Powell is currently serving her first term as a state representative. She represents the 80th Ohio House District, which encompasses Miami County and a portion of Darke County.


For more information, contact Rep Powell’s office at 614-466-8114 or Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.

Join Rep. Powell & Congressman Davidson Thursday!

You’re Invited to join State Representative Jena Powell and Congressman Warren Davidson on Facebook Live, Thursday, April 16th, at 9am!

We will be discussing our community, policy, and impacts of COVID-19.

If you have questions in advance, feel free to email them to Rep80@ohiohouse.gov, or you can also ask them in the comments section during the live video.

To participate in this Community Conversation, please visit the @VoteJenaPowell Facebook page. The event will begin at 9:00am.

If you have any questions about this event, or how to access the Facebook page, please email Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.

Hope to see you there,

-Jena Powell