Keep and Create Jobs:
Jena Powell not only owns a business, but works with small businesses every day. She knows first-hand the impact of excessive, unpredictable regulations and misguided tax policy. It’s time to bring back common sense and grow an environment where businesses can thrive. A healthy environment for businesses means more and better paying jobs for the citizens of Miami and Darke Counties.
Fiscal Responsibility:
It’s a fact: Government spending is out of control. Every year, when spending increases, Ohioans are stuck with the bill. Jena Powell is not a career politician. As a business owner she understands what it means to have to make payroll and use money wisely. She will stand up to special interests to cut wasteful spending and keep more money in your wallet.
Defend Our 2nd Amendment Rights and Freedoms:
Our Constitution is the cornerstone of America. Today, our government is eroding individual freedoms at every level. We can trust Jena Powell to defend our freedoms. She will fight for your religious liberty. Jena is a proud member of the National Rifle Association and we can trust her to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.
Protect Innocent Life:
Jena Powell believes in the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death, life is the most beautiful of God’s creations. She will work tirelessly to protect the unborn and will oppose all efforts to use tax dollars to fund abortions.
Legal Immigration:
Jena Powell supports legal immigration and welcomes all who want to legally come and be a part of our great nation. But she will vote against Sanctuary cities and all attempts to evade our laws.
The Opioid Crisis:
Our community is being hit hard with the drug crisis. It’s destroying families, businesses, and opportunity. The solution won’t come from just one place. To overcome this we will need a combination of community support, tightening our borders, and healthcare reform. Together we can win this battle.
No Common Core:
It’s time to take educational control out of the hands of the politicians and bureaucrats at the state level and give it back to individual districts. Jena Powell opposes Common Core and will fight for local control of our schools. She believes that parents, teachers, and local administrators are in the best position to make decisions impacting their students. She will work to cut high-stakes, state-mandated testing and excessive regulation so parents and teachers can help students learn and succeed.