Jena Powell, a native to southern Darke County, is running to represent the needs of Ohio’s House District 80 so that everyone in this district can go hard after their dreams and experience life to the fullest, right here at home.

About Jena:
Jena grew up in southern Darke County, bouncing around the back seat of her dads pickup truck, with her six brothers and sisters, as her mom hauled grain in from the fields. Her family has been farming for generations. In the late summer, she would show sheep at the Great Darke County Fair and then run off to drink fresh shaken lemonade and play ski-ball…
Jobs & Business:
Jena Powell not only owns a business, but works with small businesses every day. She knows first-hand the impact of excessive, unpredictable regulations and misguided tax policy. It’s time to bring back common sense and create an environment where businesses can thrive. A healthy environment for businesses means more and better paying jobs for the citizens of Miami and Darke Counties.
It’s time to take educational control out of the hands of the politicians and bureaucrats at the state level and give it back to individual districts. Jena Powell opposes Common Core and will fight for local control of our schools. She believes that parents, teachers, and local administrators are in the best position to make decisions impacting their students…
Jena Powell believes in the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death, life is the most beautiful of God’s creations. She will work tirelessly to protect the unborn and will oppose all efforts to use tax dollars to fund abortions…
Interesting links
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Paid for by Friends of Jena Powell