‘Tis The Season To Be Thankful
It’s the best time of the year! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry (early) Christmas — we hope your holiday was incredible.
This Thanksgiving season I had the pleasure of spending the day with family and friends, gathered around my family’s dinner table eating the traditional favorites and talking about what we are thankful for. One of the many traditions my family has is that right after the Thanksgiving Day meal, we go outside and play a large game of street hockey. Although I realize that every family probably doesn’t play street hockey, we all have wonderful traditions and reasons to be thankful.
The past month has been incredibly busy in Columbus. We dropped three new bills, voted the Small Business Funding Act (HB 312) out of the house with 92-0 unanimous support, and had our first hearing of the Tax Code Streamlining & Correction Act (HB 197) in the Senate, among other things.
Enjoy reading through this newsletter about bills, policy, and how our office is fighting to be your voice in Columbus. As always, thank you for allowing me to represent you.
— Jena Powell
Crowdfunding Bill Unanimously Passes Ohio House
COLUMBUS – Representative Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) announces the unanimous passing of her Small Business Funding Act, HB 312, which passed 92-0 on Tuesday, November 19th.
Rep. Powell says, “As a business owner and entrepreneur myself, I know the challenges that business owners in our state face. 82% of business failure is due to a lack of capital.”
“When we remove barriers for raising needed capital through crowdfunding, we tell business owners that government will not be an additional barrier to fulfilling their American dream in our communities,” continues Powell.
HB 312 will allow businesses in Ohio to raise up to $5 million per year through intrastate equity crowdfunding. Ohioans will be able to invest in Ohio businesses, and Ohio businesses will have a more efficient option for raising capital through crowdfunding.
License Reciprocity Press Conference
On November 19, we held a press conference with Representative George Lang (R-West Chester), Senator Kristina Roegner (R-Hudson), and Senator Rob McColley (R-Napoleon) to unveil companion bills that will implement full occupational licensing reciprocity in Ohio.
Organizations present included The Goldwater Institute from Arizona, The Buckeye Institute, NFIB Ohio, Americans for Prosperity-Ohio, and the Foundation for Government Accountability.
I am on a mission to make Ohio the most business-friendly state in the nation, and this piece of legislation is moving Ohio a step in the right direction by removing barriers to employment.
Part of solving the workforce shortage in Ohio is helping people enter the workforce faster, and encouraging people who already hold licenses in other states to want to move to and/or work in Ohio. After the lengthy process and the financial investment that people have already gone through in another state to receive their license, they don’t want to have to add to that an extensive wait in Ohio. Current law discourages qualified individuals from moving to our state, filling needed jobs, and investing in our communities.
We know that Ohio is an incredible place to live. We want people to be able to move here and invest in our communities. One of the barriers to this happening is the fact that Ohio currently does not recognize out-of-state licenses. If we recognize out-of-state licenses, we will send a bold message to the rest of the country that Ohio is open for business – come and practice your trade in our communities.
I was delighted to have the Franklin Monroe fourth grade class come and visit the Statehouse last week! Remember, you too can join our office at the Statehouse for tours and to watch a House floor session. Reach out to our office to schedule your visit!
November 3 …… Spoke at 40 Days for Life Rally
November 4 ….. Constituent Office Hours
November 5 …… Voted!
November 6 …… Press Conference with Attorney General Yost on Human Trafficking Legislation
November 7 …… Spoke at Human Trafficking Awareness Panel in Troy
November 10 …… Presented Commendations to Veterans at the Covenant at Sugar Grove Church
November 11 …… Veteran’s Day Parade in Darke County
November 13 …… Spoke to Young CPAs
November 19 …… Press Conference on License Reciprocity
November 19 …… HB 312, Small Business Funding Act, passes the House
November 28 …… Celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends!
Once again, thank you for taking the time to read through this newsletter. I hope it has served as a helpful update to you regarding we are doing in Columbus and throughout the district.
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to our office with any questions at 614-466-8114 or Rep80@ohiohouse.gov.
Jena Powell